Another new sectional to where Poetry Parks



I’d like to let you know there is now an additional site from which we can and will grow from, under the ‘Inked Profundity’ banner, we have a Yahoo addition to share with you. Find us there below…

and know since we began (January, 2014) it is only the beginning of the reach we will need to be able to enrich not only our lives but the lives of those to follow. Never let your dreams grow cold!


P.S. This is our first message at Yahoo…

Poems, Poets and Poetry! This is the mix we Poets love… we breath this stuff and live it. If you feel this way too then this is a group for you to find yourself in… and I certainly hope you’ll enjoy our company. What can help us now is to build the joy we feel from this medium [Poetry is where the ink touches paper and it pours from your soul] with a body of work suitable to appeal to everyone here.

A little about ‘Inked Profundity,’ even though we’ve just begun (January, 2014) we are already a Network of sites, including: WordPress, LinkedIn, Yola and now Yahoo. Find the links for all listed below…

and know the links that end up working best for us [overall] are the ones we will stick with. Through WordPress are found messages, also available here (very conveniently), at LinkedIn are the original groups, all under the banner of ‘Inked Profundity,’ and they are all found at the end of the page for my profile there. I find the restriction to members there as the need to further this along with other sites, hence to various methods of my madness to do this for and from the love of unrestricted Poetry. The only form of Poetry that will not be allowed is erotic… it has no benefit for our purposes here… to use the body of work as examples to engage the next generation of writers. Through Yola, even though I have found their format restrictive, we should gain a little more web presence. This is just the beginning here, so Welcome Poets, each and everyone.


We now have a Yola site up and running… to enhance web presence


As if it couldn’t get any better within the first month of forming… we now have: WordPress (for information), LinkedIn (where the groups are currently located) and a website through Yola (… with an expectation of creating other means and modes for stretching our outreaching capabilities for Poets of all ages and genres. This is (at this time) primarily for POETS but Artists will be included down the road. What is a picture without words… a movie without music… thought without action? See what I mean… there is much more that can be said when words and Art go hand-in-hand. I do hope you will give us a chance to find your own Poetry with us [if you are already at LinkedIn] or with us at our new website. Leave me a note here if you find or have any difficulty… see you soon!


“The addition of two more groups!”


At the LinkedIn network, there have been added two (2) more groups to ponder on [under the Inked Profundity banner],”Black American Influenced,” and,”Art thou steady by quill.” These two groups geared toward Black literature and writings inspired by the Renaissance Period respectively… are to secure and widen our appeal for Poets of all types, the groups offered to all skill levels with: light and dark, White and Black, Old and New. I’m sure it will take off once more people find us… and the higher points to be attainable are strived for- and positive criticism only to be a drawing point. We do not want to scare the beginners [of just how ugly true critics can be] and seek to strengthen the skin of medium skilled [moderate level] to gain insights from those of us that might consider themselves Professionals. It is my personal opinion a Professional is one that can tolerate criticism without breaking… and can show [by example] the benefits of what it means to be able to desire the fruits of maturity in writing. Please keep in mind this site (HERE) is for informational purposes only… the writing sections [or groups] are offered through “LinkedIn.” Here is the link for my profile and look to the bottom for all links to “Inked Profundity” you might like or the list right here. WELCOME!

1) Poe Moments

2) Art thou steady by quill

3) Black American Influenced

4) CONTEMPORARY, philosophical and everyday STUFF

5) Discussions worth a damn

6) Inked Profundity [catch all]

7) International hands of Verse

8) Islamic words and heart for Poetry

9) Religious Poetry

10) Strictly Americana

Thanks again for your interest in us,


P.S. If this sounds more like your: cup of tea, drink of beer, swig of Mead, sip of wine, portion of Port… or drink of choice, please join on up with us and help us lead the way for the next group of writers… by sharing what we do best- writing ourselves and helping others in the process. Let’s grow together and not apart… we leave ourselves wide open that way. Let’s open our arms and grow this thing called “The passion for writing.”


First major Announcement!


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I would like you to know, under the banner of “Inked Profundity,” there are now eight groups formed… each with a specific characteristic which should enable us to become very unique among the Poetry groups at the LindedIn network. We stand poised to Welcome One and All. The groups are as follows: Inked Profundity [a catch all], “CONTEMPORARY, philosophical and everyday STUFF,” “Discussions worth a damn [to be at length or not… but related to Poetry],” “International hands of Verse,” “Islamic words and heart for Poetry,” “Religious Poetry [all about Jesus being the Christ],” “Strictly Americana,” and a “Repository for prized works [great job!].” In time this will catch on… please be patient with me and hold on to hope, this is where Poetry is breathed in deeply and exhaled- the result of what Poetry means to all of us… life itself.

This is how we look... and we are many to choose from already.

This is how we look… and we are many to choose from already.

“Welcome all Poets: Mission Statement”©



This is what we will set about to do:

Mission statement: The primary goal of the group is to advance the love

of writing. How we will do this is: accept writing from Authors (confident in their work or personally pleased) that feel the writing will present 1) insight, knowledge or thought that could aid mankind… by raising the  consciousness of individuals to levels beyond the work itself, 2) having the desire to reach a goal beyond simple accolades and direct the same passion felt for their writing toward goal oriented work: reaching toward the benchmark of getting published, submitting works to publishers of periodicals, and group support to that end, 3) and to [also] reach beyond the comforts of our personal space… to aid the communities we live in and promoting, actively, the idea writers will do no good for themselves if illiteracy continues to rise. The last mentioned is actually one of the most dramatic and important aspects to the whole group… by virtue of the fact that illiteracy is climbing in this country, and if we, as writers, do not put a local face to our words that students and people can relate with… then we will strictly be writing for ourselves. By going out into the communities we live in we might just spark a child to have an interest in writing themselves, aid in self promotion and advance not only ourselves of the ideas we write about but put feet to the floor and ideas to mind. This group will conduct seminars using: published Authors (within the constraints of practical application to goals intended and time allotted by people contacted), people involved directly with publication companies (as they can be contacted and nudged to offer insights themselves) and member contacts, as they relate to the mission of the group. Promotion of writing is the goal, and if you can wrap your mind and heart behind this end… this will truly be a group with the heart to reach out and touch the world with words. It starts with you… or the words will die on the paper we use!

Inked Profundity©

           Dear Friends, Family and like minded people, I would like to share with you news of a new group [formed today, Jan. 8th, 2014], one which I’ve called,”Inked Profundity.” This group is open to all poets… all skill levels and those whom might like to also be involved in a group desiring to increase an interest in poetry itself. I have reached the point where I feel only ‘Positive Criticism’ [with respect to what was submitted] will keep the amateur writing, offer solace of hope to the moderately skilled and gain insights from and for the professionals among us.

           Here is what we are all up against… and to make sure the baton of passion continues to the next generation [will reach them] and make it to the next set of hands coming up. I propose: a repository of poetry worth reading, people with heart and mind to draw from, Positive reinforcement a must, passion for poetry a prerequisite and a desire to improve upon what we have seen [at LinkedIn so far]. I’m still in the very beginning of this group [hours old… as of 2:27 PM, Jan. 8th, 2014] and ask you might bear with me… should you also love poetry as much as I do. If this sounds like an idea whose time has come, I’d ask you to come check it out… and let’s be heard together.

I remain,

Russell D. Holder

Author of “FROM A GREATER HAND than mine”

P.S. Please just call me Russ, my friends do… and if I don’t know you this well yet- I hope to.